Monday, July 16, 2012

Kindergarten Reading Chairs

The back to school creativity has kicked in!  This year Pinterest is making it even worse!  This is one of my newest adventures.  I am VERY proud to say I did this project almost completely on my own!  

The Materials: (getting the materials probably took me the most time of everything!)
Eight crates- which I found 1/2 off at Walmart!  I had trouble finding eight though which meant I had to return to Walmart many times, which I did not enjoy.  
I went to Home Depot and had my new Home Depot friend Tim help cut some plywood for me.  Again, this quickly became a big process for Tim and me.  I ended up spending over an hour and a half with Tim in order to get them all cut out!  It was the first time he had ever cut for anybody!  :)

The Fabric... This was a big decision since my students and I have to look at this everyday.  I ended up driving to three different fabric stores before picking these out.  I hope that the black and white will match my classroom no matter what changes I make.  

The work begins...

Sanding the edges and rounding off the corners.

Cutting the foam.  I guess this is another material I should have put up above as well. (Found it at the fabric store.)  

After cutting the foam I used spray adhesive to stick a small piece of foam to the wood.  

I gave the small piece of foam a day to dry before spraying the larger pieces and attaching them on top of the smaller piece.  This should give lots of cushion for everyone's bottoms! 

I didn't get pictures of us (yes, Mitch had to help me with this) stapling the fabric to the board.  
Here is the finished product!  I am really happy with how they turned out and hopefully my students will enjoy reading on them.  They even have space for storage underneath the lid.  

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