Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lake Pepin

Last weekend we drove to Lake Pepin which is a lake on the Mississippi River.  We once again had a delightful time camping and sailing.  The first two days we camped with about 10 other men and families that had also built their own boats.  So we spent each evening sitting around the campfire sharing sailing adventures.  Everybody else packed up on Sunday but we stayed one extra night.  We couldn't have asked for better weather!

Lake Pepin view from our campsite
Again from our campsite

Our campsite
On Friday we boated across the lake (1.5 miles) to an adorable town in Wisconsin called Stockholm and had a couple of appetizers and local beers, just the two of us at Gelly's Pub.  

Breakfast made on the campfire

Mitch making a few changes to the boat

The view from our boat.  I didn't get any shore pictures this year because I was always in the boat with Mitch.

Back at Stockholm on Sunday...
Brunch at the Bogus Creek Cafe & Bakery!  Crossaint french toast = AMAZING!  (This is the view from our table)

Other pictures from Stockholm, WI.

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