Friday, June 22, 2012

Repainting the Living Room

When I moved in almost 5 years ago we painted the large wall in our living room "happy camper green."  Mitch and I created these three cloth wall hanging to fill the large wall space in our loft.  We enjoyed the green wall and wall hangings for a while but we decided it was time for a change... 

While shopping up in Clear Lake we found a print that we both loved and that became the inspiration for our living room changes.  We painted the large wall "elephant gray" which is also what we used in Lilly's baby room.  

The print seemed so big in the store but when we put it on the wall it all of the sudden became very small so centering it didn't work.  
We ended up putting it above the piano and we are still looking for the perfect item to fill the rest of the wall.  

The walls below our windows were painted brown which we decided no longer looked good with the gray.  

Painting the edges...

The finished walls...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The New Car!

We finally got a new car!  We put the bug up for sale way back in November and never really had anybody interested.  I got the bug as a gift from my parents on my 16th birthday!  It has been an incredible car.  I drove it for 10 great years and I hope a young girl somewhere gets to enjoy it for a few more years.  Thank you Mom and Dad for the amazing car!  We had been talking about trading in or selling the bug for two years now.  We finally decided we had done enough talking and just needed to go and trade it in.  

One of the last pictures with the bug.

Moving things from the bug to the new car!  So bitter sweet.  I may have shed a couple of tears.  
The new car!  We love it!  2012 Hyundia Accent

The hatchback... I was completely fighting the idea of a hatchback until I saw it.  

The Longtins stopped by for dinner so we had to show off our car.

When we hit 100 miles!  I just happened to be at a stop light.  
The first fill up!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lake Pepin

Last weekend we drove to Lake Pepin which is a lake on the Mississippi River.  We once again had a delightful time camping and sailing.  The first two days we camped with about 10 other men and families that had also built their own boats.  So we spent each evening sitting around the campfire sharing sailing adventures.  Everybody else packed up on Sunday but we stayed one extra night.  We couldn't have asked for better weather!

Lake Pepin view from our campsite
Again from our campsite

Our campsite
On Friday we boated across the lake (1.5 miles) to an adorable town in Wisconsin called Stockholm and had a couple of appetizers and local beers, just the two of us at Gelly's Pub.  

Breakfast made on the campfire

Mitch making a few changes to the boat

The view from our boat.  I didn't get any shore pictures this year because I was always in the boat with Mitch.

Back at Stockholm on Sunday...
Brunch at the Bogus Creek Cafe & Bakery!  Crossaint french toast = AMAZING!  (This is the view from our table)

Other pictures from Stockholm, WI.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Giving blogging a try...

Here we go... I decided to try blogging.  I have never done this or really even watched other peoples blogs but I think this might be a fun way to share the adventures we are having.  If nothing else comes out of this at least we will have a journal of our happenings.  I hope you enjoy!

P.S.- I will not have perfect grammar and/or spelling all the time.  Sorry that just isn't me!